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Adam's First Sky Dive. Growing my self-confidence.

18 Ways to Build Self-Confidence

I went skydiving in 2019. I did it partly to face a fear I had for over 20 years. Skydiving can be a self-confidence builder. Here are 18 even better ways to build your self-confidence.

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Finding Clarity

Why I Started Decide Your Legacy

Decide Your Legacy was created to help people find transformational clarity and face their biggest fears. At times, due to my own insecurities, I've played it safe and steered away from this purpose, yet I always end up back at where I started.  

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Young Professionals Having Meeting in Glass Office

3 Foolproof Ways to Motivate Your Team

Over the past 20 years as a family therapist, trainer, and coach, I've helped over 2,000 families and over 200 companies improve their work culture. There are similarities between the healthiest companies and families. Here are three traits they have in common.

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Like Yourself

How to Like & Value Yourself

I struggle with self confidence. Even though I've had success in life, my insecurities never totally go away. I have to fight them each day.

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Decision Making

How to Make Good Decisions

I've wasted countless hours in turmoil over decisions. Indecision has hurt my career and cost me financially. I've frustrated family and friends because I couldn't make up my mind. Few things stress me out more than major choices, and few things bring me as much relief as getting decisions made.

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Man With a Vision

Clarifying a Vision for Your Future

We are 100 times more motivated moving towards what we want, than away from what we don't want. Create a picture of what you want! Our goals lead you toward your vision, or they're not the right goals.

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How To Be a Better Friend to Yourself

It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, old or young, healthy or sick. Your life, like mine, will always have difficult times. If you're proactive in your self care, you can prevent much of your suffering during these difficult times.

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Coffee Computer Focus

How to Find Clarity in Life

My purpose in life is helping others find transformation clarity that propels them to face their biggest fears to LIVE & leave the legacy they desire. Read more and you'll learn more on how my team fulfills this purpose.

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How To Reach Your Goals (Part 1)

To reach your goals, it's important to know why many people miss the mark. Here are 9 common traps that snag people and make your goals fall flat. Avoid each one!

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Thriving Marriage

A Secret to Creating a Healthy & Thriving Marriage

Have you ever wondered what makes a marriage thrive? Have you ever wanted to know how to take your marriage from “good” to “great”? The happiest married couples do some things differently. 

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