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Stop Procrastinating & Get Things Done

Clients share with me frustrations about not getting things done. They almost always know what they need to do, but they don't do it. Here are 4 strategies I use to help myself and clients overcome procrastination.

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Woman living with balance

12 Life Balance Tips

A balanced life is the key to true success and happiness! People often struggle with life balance they misunderstand the concept. To most, they have a perfectionistic mindset about what it is, so they give up on it as an objective. If this is you, these 12 tips will help.

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Decision Making

How to Make Good Decisions

I've wasted countless hours in turmoil over decisions. Indecision has hurt my career and cost me financially. I've frustrated family and friends because I couldn't make up my mind. Few things stress me out more than major choices, and few things bring me as much relief as getting decisions made.

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Eliminate Mental Clutter & Procrastination

Do you procrastinate? Most procrastination is driven by anxiety & control. You avoid engaging in core tasks believing this will keep you safe.

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Reading in the library

4 Books I Want All My Clients to Read

In addition to gaining insight and self-awareness, reading inspiring books has led to major shifts in my attitude. Here are 4 books that have improved my life and will improve your life as well.

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Coffee Computer Focus

How to Find Clarity in Life

My purpose in life is helping others find transformation clarity that propels them to face their biggest fears to LIVE & leave the legacy they desire. Read more and you'll learn more on how my team fulfills this purpose.

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A Simple Stress Management Tool

I struggle with managing stress. The good news is that I can win this fight, and so can you. I frequently help clients learn to manage stress at both work and home. Here’s one of the tools I teach.

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Thriving Marriage

A Secret to Creating a Healthy & Thriving Marriage

Have you ever wondered what makes a marriage thrive? Have you ever wanted to know how to take your marriage from “good” to “great”? The happiest married couples do some things differently. 

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Decision Making Skills

How to Make Good Decisions (Part 2)

You will make some bad decisions in life and that's OK. You'll trust untrustworthy people. You'll take the wrong job. An investment of time and money will go south. Will you follow up bad choices by learning and taking a better path?

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relationship mistakes

13 Relationship Mistakes Married and Dating Couples Make

Frequently I sit down with married or seriously dating couples in turmoil. I see the same conflicts again and again. Many relationship problems can be avoided if couples have, and apply, the right information and use the right tools. Here are some pitfalls to avoid.

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