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Adam's First Sky Dive. Growing my self-confidence.

18 Ways to Build Self-Confidence

I went skydiving in 2019. I did it partly to face a fear I had for over 20 years. Skydiving can be a self-confidence builder. Here are 18 even better ways to build your self-confidence.

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Grateful woman

How to Be Grateful When Life Is Hard

EaIt's easy to find things to worry about and dread. Being grateful is much harder, yet ironically, our gratitude usually significantly more grounded in reality than our anxieties. So many things in life are outside our control, but one thing you can directly influence is your perspective.

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Anxiety on flight

3 Keys to Lowering Anxiety

Anxiety robs us of enjoying life. It's the great thief of our time. You should view it as your biggest enemy. Stop letting fear get the best of you.

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Kickstart Your Self Confidence

History is filled with examples of people who ended up successful who started with nothing and others who overcame the most challenging of circumstances. What you'll find is that you CAN improve your self-confidence if you work at it. 

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12 Tools for Regulating Your Emotions

What situations trigger you emotionally? Be prepared to handle these situations different differently, in a positive fashion. Here are 12 ways to regulate your emotions when triggered.

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Scary Skydiving

Improve Your Mental Health Today

Not much will improve your mental health faster than facing your fears. Nothing is more damaging to your mental health than playing it safe. Here are 17 scary actions you can take to work on this.

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Team having fun

11 Fun Ice Breakers for Work & Social Events

Ice breakers, to start off a meeting, can make a positive difference. They can be used in person or during virtual team meetings (e.g. Zoom or MicroSoft Teams.

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Anxious Man on Computer

Overcome Worry & Get Out of Your Head

With all I know about mental health, I still get stuck in worry. I'm often the most negative person I know. Here are three things you must do to get unstuck from your fears and anxieties.

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Taking Decisive & Consistent Action

If we don't risk getting hurt emotionally, we hinder our ability to feel good emotionally. Emotional vulnerability is a lifelong struggle and crucial to being emotionally healthy. We grow from experiencing failure, rejection & embarrassment and realizing we can handle it. 

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Grateful Woman

25 Gratitude Building Questions

We all have seasons in our lives when it's very hard to be positive. I can easily view myself as the victim. Gratitude is one of the only things that can end my pity party. 

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