Tag Archive

Stress Management

Stop Procrastinating & Get Things Done

Clients share with me frustrations about not getting things done. They almost always know what they need to do, but they don't do it. Here are 4 strategies I use to help myself and clients overcome procrastination.

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Grateful woman

How to Be Grateful When Life Is Hard

EaIt's easy to find things to worry about and dread. Being grateful is much harder, yet ironically, our gratitude usually significantly more grounded in reality than our anxieties. So many things in life are outside our control, but one thing you can directly influence is your perspective.

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Woman Reading Book in Bookstore

25 Books That Have Changed My Life

I've read a lot of books and a special few have inspired me deeply. Some books have changed, and possibly saved, my life. I want to share them with you.

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Anxiety on flight

3 Keys to Lowering Anxiety

Anxiety robs us of enjoying life. It's the great thief of our time. You should view it as your biggest enemy. Stop letting fear get the best of you.

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Kickstart Your Self Confidence

History is filled with examples of people who ended up successful who started with nothing and others who overcame the most challenging of circumstances. What you'll find is that you CAN improve your self-confidence if you work at it. 

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Life Coach

How to Select a Great Life Coach (or Counselor)

The success you experience in coaching depends, in part, on the quality of the professional you hire. Here are some qualities I look for in a coach. Hopefully this list will help you make the best choice possible.

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Woman living with balance

12 Life Balance Tips

A balanced life is the key to true success and happiness! People often struggle with life balance they misunderstand the concept. To most, they have a perfectionistic mindset about what it is, so they give up on it as an objective. If this is you, these 12 tips will help.

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12 Tools for Regulating Your Emotions

What situations trigger you emotionally? Be prepared to handle these situations different differently, in a positive fashion. Here are 12 ways to regulate your emotions when triggered.

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Like Yourself

How to Like & Value Yourself

I struggle with self confidence. Even though I've had success in life, my insecurities never totally go away. I have to fight them each day.

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Decision Making

How to Make Good Decisions

I've wasted countless hours in turmoil over decisions. Indecision has hurt my career and cost me financially. I've frustrated family and friends because I couldn't make up my mind. Few things stress me out more than major choices, and few things bring me as much relief as getting decisions made.

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