Eliminate Mental Clutter & Procrastination

3 Steps to Getting Important Tasks Done

November 1, 2023 |

Do you have mental clutter? Do you procrastinate? Most procrastination is driven by fear. You avoid facing things because, subconsciously, you believe it keeps you safe (i.e. “I won’t get hurt/rejected/judged, like in the past, if I don’t engage”).

Do you have tasks at home and work you keep avoiding? Think of these as “loose ends” or “mental clutter”. Each day you avoid taking action is another day your energy is drained.

3 Steps To Decluttering Your Life

Step 1. Tie Up Your Loose Ends.

Make a list of 3 things, big or small, where you need closure. What’s incomplete and unfinished in any area of your life (e.g., finances, health, family, work, friendships, etc.) The life wheel is a great tool to help you identify this clutter. 


What do you notice about the loose ends in your life? Are they concentrated in one or two areas? Does this give you an idea of where in your life you need to invest more energy?

If you found this information helpful, SUBSCRIBE TODAY to access my Free video & workbook, Shatterproof Yourself: 7 Small Steps to a Giant Leap in Your Mental Health

Step 2. Elimination, Delegation & Complete

Analyzing your list, you might realize an item isn’t essential. Maybe you can pay someone to complete that project. Maybe you can get intensely focused on a project until completion. Finishing unfinished business, for some of my clients, has meant choosing to get over something from the past (e.g., divorce, bankruptcy, job loss, trauma, etc.). For others, it’s meant having courageous conversations. Write down your answers to the following questions.

What 2 loose ends will you eliminate or greatly minimize?


List 2 tasks will you delegate (to your spouse and kids 😂)


What 2 tasks will you complete ASAP?


Step 3. Say “No” Graciously to Others & Yourself

When it comes to mental clutter, it’s crucial to NOT say “yes” to projects and tasks when you should say “no”. This type of “yes” is dishonest and driven by fear. Don’t take responsibility when it’s not “your responsibility”. Focusing on your goals, life purpose, and core values helps filter out the good so you can say “yes” to the best.

List 3 situations, tasks, or people where saying “no” is challenging. (I have a tough time saying no to Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia Ice Cream)


Do you see any themes where you struggle with boundaries? Do they fall into certain areas of your life wheel?

If you found this information helpful, SUBSCRIBE TODAY to access my Free video & workbook, Shatterproof Yourself: 7 Small Steps to a Giant Leap in Your Mental Health.

Eliminating mental clutter will enhance your life! You’ll experience the satisfaction of knowing you’re BEING PRODUCTIVE. You may even sleep better tonight. Start today!

Stop Procrastinating & Get Things Done (post) by Adam Gragg
How to Create a Positive & Productive Work Environment (post) by Adam Gragg
Take Risks Frequently! (post) by Adam Gragg
The Time Management Matrix (post) by FacileThings
Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix Explained (post) by Planet of Success
The Pomodoro Technique by Todoist

Decide Your Legacy Podcast #42: Stop Procrastination Now! (9 Strategies) on Apple on Spotify